Category Archives: transmedia

Making Game Based Learning #gbl – research & principles

My friend Professor Sara Grimes was looking for some research on game based learning and put a tweet out looking for resources. We’ve spent the last 9 months researching, thinking about learning and gbl and building technology for our gbl projects (Felicity from Thin Air is being revamped to scale appropriately as a MMO). In […]

A transliteracy manifesto for #RSCON3

Earlier today, some of my PLN were bantering about their #rscon3 experiences. It led me to reflect on an earlier transliteracy text that summarised many facets of the Reform Symposium these past three days in a poetic manner. Said banter, and the “manifesto” below… <a href=”” target=”_blank”>View “A transliteracy #rscon3 manifesto” on Storify</a> This following […]

Threnody for #egypt

A “transmedia found poem” dedicated to those whose voices were being silenced. The story behind why and how it was made is below the work. View “Threnody for #egypt” on Storify When I woke, on the morning of January 28, 2011 in Melbourne, Australia – I reached for my iPhone as I usually to, to […]