Category Archives: CMC11

Relevant to CMC11 MOOC – Creativity and Multicultural Communication

Making Game Based Learning #gbl – research & principles

My friend Professor Sara Grimes was looking for some research on game based learning and put a tweet out looking for resources. We’ve spent the last 9 months researching, thinking about learning and gbl and building technology for our gbl projects (Felicity from Thin Air is being revamped to scale appropriately as a MMO). In […]

Growing networks of learning – part one

I’ve been thinking and studying networked learning since last December, when I stumbled into the world of educator personal learning networks, spread across the world. From my first blind stumbles across the edges of various twitter PLNs, to discussions and thinking with Kelly Tenkely about the Learning Genome, to witnessing connected learning courses with MOOCs […]

A transliteracy manifesto for #RSCON3

Earlier today, some of my PLN were bantering about their #rscon3 experiences. It led me to reflect on an earlier transliteracy text that summarised many facets of the Reform Symposium these past three days in a poetic manner. Said banter, and the “manifesto” below… <a href=”” target=”_blank”>View “A transliteracy #rscon3 manifesto” on Storify</a> This following […]